Nossa Liderança

Steve Sellers

Vice President of Cru, U.S. National Director

Steve joined Cru in 1976 working at Marshall University. During his tenure with Cru, he has served in several capacities, including Campus Director at the University of Connecticut, New England Area Director, National Director of Operations for U.S. Campus Ministry, National Director of U.S. Campus Ministry and Vice President of Global Campus Ministry.

In 1991, Steve accepted the position of National Director of U.S. Campus Ministry. As a leader, he encouraged the ministry to become innovative and discover news ways of reaching college students with the gospel. As a result,, an evangelistic website, was launched. Currently, an average of 900 people per week indicate a decision to become a Christian on the site.

From 2005–2010 Steve was the Vice President for the Americas giving geographic leadership to 26 countries in the United States, Canada, Central and South America. He now serves as VP of Cru as well as the Area Team Leader for the U.S., Canada and Oceania.

“Effective ministry, both in the U.S. and around the world is dependent on our ability to partner,” says Steve. “We're committed to developing relevant evangelistic strategies and tools and giving them away to the body of Christ. The task is too large and the stakes are too high to do otherwise. We will reach the world as only as we equip people live out our missional calling according to their unique gifting and motivation.”

Steve married Christy in 1979 and they have 4 children: Emily, Bethany, T.J. and Jason. Christy joined Cru in 1974 as a staff member in Boston. Christy served as the Associate Campus Director at the University of Massachusetts and as the Associate Area Director for New England. Christy is actively involved in ministry alongside her husband.

Steve Sellers shares about a memorable time on staff when God worked in his life.

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